Getting a Grip on the Basics of Generous Living - English
Beth Jones
God wants His people blessed to be a blessing. The Bible is loaded with stories of those who followed God's instructions and found success and more than enough to give to others. Success and a spirit of generosity have always distinguished God's people.
The workbook is a comprehensive Bible study to help students understand God's plan for their success and the blessings associated with a generous life.
This study will help students dig into the Scriptures to see for themselves the purpose of success and wealth; the power of generous living and the practical necessary for experiencing the joy of a blessed life.
The nine sessions include:
This book is a perfect companion for readers who want to go a little deeper in the Word as well as a great tool to use in journaling, personal devotions, mentoring relationships, small groups, classrooms and church wide study.
1.07 MB
153 pages
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