Getting a Grip on the Basics - English
Beth Jones
The starting point for the Spirit filled life is Getting a Grip on the Basics.
When a child is born, doctors and family encourage the new parents to provide three elements essential to the survival of the newborn: love, nourishment and protection. These same elements are vital for every newborn Christian as well. This workbook will help those new to the Christian faith and those needing a refresher course will discover the basics to survive and thrive in their faith and the Spirit filled life.
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In this thirteen session Bible study workbook you will study your own Bible to get grounded in these topics: how to be sure you're a Christian; how to talk to God; how to hear from God; how to be filled with the Spirit; how to experience lasting victory and more!
This book is a perfect companion for readers to use in journaling their thoughts, personal devotions, mentoring relationships, small groups, classrooms and church wide study.
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128 pages
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