Getting a Grip on the Basics of Serving God - English
Beth Jones
Getting a Grip on the Basics of Serving God Bible study workbook will take readers on a journey through the Bible where they discover God's plans and purposes for their lives. This study about serving God Kids will discover that God has a plan for their lives and He wants to use them to influence others. By looking up Bible verses and responding to relevant questions kids will learn God's Word in a way they can understand and apply.
The thirteen sessions include topics like: aligning with God's priorities; the heart of a servant; how to lose your life; understanding the ministry of helps; developing leadership skills; how to be great in God's kingdom; discovering your God-given gifts and much more.
This book is a perfect companion for readers to use in journaling their thoughts, personal devotions, mentoring relationships, small groups, classrooms and church wide study.
3.6 MB
112 pages
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